Institute for Economic and Social Research – Faculty of Economics and Business – University of Indonesia

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Scientific Writing

One important aspect of the scientific process is reporting the results of analysis and disseminating them to the wider academic and policymaking community, including other stakeholders. Communicating the results of scientific research contributes to the advancement of knowledge and future research, better policymaking, and overall public enlightenment. Scientific writing training is designed to help policymakers, professionals, academics, researchers, and social activists improve their skills in conducting analysis, presenting, and reporting analysis results according to their target audience. Training in this theme includes Writing Articles for Academic PaperAcademic Paper,Policy Paper, and Policy BriefPolicy Brief).

Training Topic

Academic Writing for Journal Publication
Policy Paper and Policy Brief Writing
Popular Science Writing
Diklat NameClient
Pengenalan Metode PengkajianKPK
Analisis Data Survei Angkatan Kerja Nasional (Sakernas)Universitas Mulawarman
Policy PaperKementerian ESDM
